Happy March! Last year at this time, we tackled five common myths we often hear about singing, and with the internet being a plethora for misinformation, we wanted to cover even more! So let's challenge preconceived notions and separate fact from fiction as we debunk 5 popular myths you may have heard from "armchair experts" on the World Wide Web.
Myth #1: You need expensive equipment or technology to sound good when singing.
While good equipment, such as a quality microphone or recording software, can certainly enhance a singer's performance, the most important factors in sounding your best while singing are vocal technique, musicality, and emotional expression. A well-trained voice can shine even without fancy equipment. (And unfortunately even the best microphone won't necessarily make a "bad" singer sound good!)
Myth #2: Singing louder means singing better.
Repeat after me: More volume does not equal good singing! Singing well involves proper breath support, vocal resonance, pitch accuracy, and emotional expression, rather than just singing loudly. Good singers focus on producing a balanced and controlled sound, regardless of volume. It is often harder to control and sing softly than it is to sing at full volume!
Myth #3: You can damage your voice by singing too much.
While overexertion or improper singing techniques can lead to vocal strain or fatigue, singing in a healthy and supported manner should not cause permanent damage to the voice. Vocal warm-ups, proper hydration, rest, and regular vocal exercises can help maintain vocal health and prevent vocal fatigue. Of course, it always smart to listen to your body and stop if you need to, though.
Myth #4: An amazing singer makes the best teacher, and vice versa.
Nope! These two things do not necessarily correlate. Many amazing singers have no idea how to teach someone else what they do, and many excellent teachers, who understand the vocal mechanism and technique, may not be the most incredible singers you have ever heard. When choosing a teacher, it is more important to know their education level, background, and credentials rather than to hear them sing.
Myth #5: Pop singers sing in unhealthy ways and have bad technique.
Some pop singers out there may be untrained and singing incorrectly, but this is true of every style of music! There are also many pop singers who undergo intense vocal training and work with experienced coaches to develop and maintain their vocal abilities. When stylistic choices and vocal effects are used creatively, they do not equate to bad technique- they contribute to the artistic diversity of pop music.
Ahh, we love setting the record straight! Remember, next time you seek knowledge on singing, make sure your information is coming from a truthful and trusted source. You know where to find us!